Set your book free.

Whatever the reason for choosing to publish independently, once you have made the decision to do so, you will be presented with a bewildering diversity of options, offers, packages and deals. Confusing times for all but the most experienced and, even then, the number of choices is growing. Choice is a good thing, if you really know what is on offer.
Choose a time for an old-fashioned, no-obligation conversation:
Looking good on eReaders.
Ensuring your book is optimised for eReaders is crucial in today’s digital age, enhancing reader experience and boosting potential sales.
DRM: A barrier or reassurance?
Delving into the eBook DRM dilemma, this article weighs the pros and cons of digital rights management for self-published authors.
What are Waterstones after?
The well-known high-street retailer, Waterstones, are very much ‘pro’ self-publishing, and that means there is nothing to stop you going into your local store, introducing yourself and asking if they will stock your book. Self-published or not, any book can be accepted or rejected, so, wanting to find out exactly what they look for in a…
Literarily cultural.
Exploring the transformative impact of self-publishing, this article highlights its role in reshaping literary culture and challenging traditional publishing norms.
She’s selling how many!?!
Discover the strategic steps one author took to become a successful self-published author, selling hundreds of books monthly.
Promoting books with video.
The exponential increase in online video promotion has been phenomenal over the past year. The reason for this is, simply, that it works. We’re spending more time online, which means less time watching commercials on TV. The result has been that companies are adjusting their budgets to include effective online video advertising. But when was…
Making sense of author websites.
Our clients frequently ask about author websites – they know that they are a useful tool, but don’t perhaps have a full understanding of how to begin using them. In this article, we’ll be looking at the particulars of these and discussing why they are invaluable tools, especially for self-published authors, and how to get…
Five cover design rules.
Unlock the secrets of impactful book cover design with Spiffing Publishing’s essential steps to captivate and entice readers.
Why multiply your titles?
Expanding on our previous article about the benefits of publishing multiple titles, we can delve deeper into the advantages this strategy offers to authors, especially in the context of self-publishing and digital platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
Five stars via editing.
Understanding the crucial role of professional editing in achieving 5-star reviews and ensuring your book stands out in the market.